Maize is one of the most important and widely grown cereal crops in the world and is a staple food for almost a billion people, particularly in the developing world. It has been estimated that maize yields need to increase by 60% by 2050. There is an urgent need to increase yields in the face of such challenges as climate change, threats from pests and diseases and the need to make cultivation more resource-efficient and sustainable. Drawing on an international range of expertise, this collection focuses on ways of improving the cultivation of maize at each step in the value chain, from breeding to post-harvest storage. Volume 1 reviews research on breeding and its use in improving nutritional quality and agronomic performance. It then goes on to discuss the challenges in translating these advances into effective outcomes for smallholders in the developing world. Achieving sustainable cultivation of maize Volume 1: From improved varieties to local applications will be a standard reference for cereal scientists in universities, government and other research centres and companies involved in maize cultivation. It is accompanied by Volume 2 which reviews improvements in cultivation techniques as well as the management of pests and diseases.
Part 1 Genetic diversity and breeding 1.Ensuring the genetic diversity of maize and its wild relatives: J. Stephen Smith, Iowa State University, USA; Candice A. C. Gardner, USDA-ARS/Iowa State University, USA; and Denise E. Costich, CIMMYT Germplasm Bank (Maize Collection), Mexico; 2.Key challenges in maize breeding in sub-Saharan Africa: Baffour Badu-Apraku, IITA, Nigeria; M.A.B. Fakorede and R.O. Akinwale, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria; 3.Developing maize-breeding methods and cultivars to meet the challenge of climate change: Marcelo J. Carena, North Dakota State University, USA; 4.Understanding and improving protein traits in maize: Yongrui Wu, National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; and Joachim Messing, Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, USA; 5.Advances in mycotoxin-resistant maize varieties: Marilyn L. Warburton and W. Paul Williams, USDA-ARS Corn Host Plant Research Resistance Unit, USA; 6.Advances in cold-tolerant maize varieties: Csaba L. Marton and Zsuzsanna Tóthné Zsubori, MTA Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungary; Part 2 Understanding and improving maize nutritional and sensory quality 7.Nutritional and nutraceutical/functional properties of maize: Dharam Paul Chaudhary, Indian Institute of Maize Research (IIMR), India; 8.Biofortification of maize: Eliab Simpungwe, HarvestPlus, Zambia; 9.Assessing and improving the nutritional quality of maize: Elena Lima-Cabello and Paula Robles-Bolivar, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain and Jose C. Jimenez-Lopez, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain and The University of Western Australia, Australia; 10.Analysing maize grain quality: Glen P. Fox and Tim J. O’Hare, The University of Queensland, Australia; Part 3 Translating research into practice: improving maize cultivation in the developing world 11.Constraints in adopting improved technologies for maize cultivation: the case of Africa: T. Abdoulaye, The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria; A. S. Bamire and A. A. Akinola, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria; and A. Alene, A. Menkir and V. Manyong, The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria; 12.Supporting small holders in maize cultivation: using an agricultural innovation systems approach: Mariana Wongtschowski and Remco Mur, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), The Netherlands; and Carolina Camacho, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico; 13.Women and maize cultivation: increasing productivity through gender analysis: Cheryl Doss, Oxford University, UK;
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