This volume contains contributions from the Gulf International Conference in Applied Mathematics, held at the Gulf University for Science & Technology. The proceedings reflects the three major themes of the conference. The first of these was mathematical biology, including a keynote address by Professor Philip Maini. The second theme was computational science/numerical analysis, including a keynote address by Professor Grigorii Shishkin. The conference also addressed more general applications topics, with papers in business applications, fluid mechanics, optimization, scheduling problems and engineering applications, as well as a keynote by Professor Ali Nayfeh.
Modelling invasive processes in biology.- Modelling oxygen capillary supply to striated muscle tissues.- Modeling human response to bed?net promotion campaigns and its impact on malaria transmission.- Computational Modelling and Optimal Control of HIV/AIDS Transmission in a Community with Substance Abuse Problem.- Standard di?erence scheme for a singularly perturbed convection-di?usion equation in the presence of perturbations.- A Higher Order Immersed Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for the Acoustic Interface Problem.- A parameter uniform numerical method for a boundary value problem for a singularly perturbed delay di?erential equation.- Optimal L ? -爀rror estimate for a System of Elliptic Quasi-variational Inequalities with Non coercive Operators.- Convergence of ?nite element approximations for generalized Marguerre-von K醨m醤 equations.- The Maple Program Procedures at Solution Systems of Di?erential Equation with Taylor Collocation Method.- Numerical Study of Convective Heat and Mass Transfer Flow in Channels.- A parameter uniform method for an initial value problem for a system of singularly perturbed delay di?erential equations.- On a technique to construct grid methods of higher accuracy order for a singularly perturbed parabolic reaction-di?usion equation.- Spectral Analysis of Large Sparse Matrices for Scalable Direct Solvers.- Numerical study of two-dimensional jet ?ow issuing from a funnel.- Higher-Order Immersed Finite Element Spaces for Second-Order Elliptic Interface Problems with Quadratic Interface.- Calendering analysis of a non-Newtonian material.- Wavelet solution of convection-di?usion equation with Neumann boundary conditions.- Test of Causality between oil price and GDP growth in Algeria.- Solution Behavior of Heston Model Using Impression Matrix Norm.- Approximations to the solution of the Frank Kamenetskii equation in a spherical geometry.- Blow up of series solutions on the half line.- Two models of sub di?usion processes: When they are similar?.- Analysis of customers? impatience in M/M/1queues with server subject to random breakdowns and exponential vacations.- Exchange curve and coverage analysis -Tools for better inventory management: a case study.- Modeling Combustion Process in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler: A Fuzzy Graph Approach.
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