This book presents the advances in super-resolution microscopy in physics and biomedical optics for nanoscale imaging. In the last decade, super-resolved fluorescence imaging has opened new horizons in improving the resolution of optical microscopes far beyond the classical diffraction limit, leading to the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014. This book represents the first comprehensive review of a different type of super-resolved microscopy, which does not rely on using fluorescent markers. Such label-free super-resolution microscopy enables potentially even broader applications in life sciences and nanoscale imaging, but is much more challenging and it is based on different physical concepts and approaches. A unique feature of this book is that it combines insights into mechanisms of label-free super-resolution with a vast range of applications from fast imaging of living cells to inorganic nanostructures. This book can be used by researchers in biological and medical physics. Due to its logically organizational structure, it can be also used as a teaching tool in graduate and upper-division undergraduate-level courses devoted to super-resolved microscopy, nanoscale imaging, microscopy instrumentation, and biomedical imaging.
1. Introduction (Vasily Astratov).- 2. Optical Resolution, Field Entropy, and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Relation (Gabriel Popescu).- 3. Interferometric Scattering Microscopy (iSCAT) and Related Techniques (Vahid Sandoghdar).- 4. Label-Free, Ultrahigh-Speed Direct Imaging of Bio-Nanoparticles in Live Cells by Coherent Brightfield (COBRI) Microscopy (Chia-Lung Hsieh.- 5. Super-Resolution Imaging in Raman Microscopy (Katsumasa Fujita).- 6. Toward Label-Free Superresolution Microscopy (Renee Frontiera).- 7. Label-Free Time Multiplexing Based Nanoscopy (Zeev Zalevsky).- 8. Beating the Diffraction Limit in IR Microscopy Through Detecting the Thermal Effect (Ji-Xin Cheng).- 9. Superresolution Imaging Based on Nonlinear Scattering (Shi-Wei Chu).- 10. Label Free Superresolution by Nonlinear Photo-Modulated Reflectivity (Ori Cheshnovsky) .- 11. Hyper-Structured Illumination: Label-Free Super-Resolution Imaging with Hypebolic Metamaterials (Evgenii Narimanov).- 12. Superresolution Microscopy Techniques Based on Plasmonics and Transformation Optics (. Igor Smolyaninov and Vera Smolyaninova).- 13. Superlensing Particle Lenses for White-Light Super-Resolution Imaging (Zengbo Wang and Boris Luk’yanchuk).- 14. Theoretical Foundations of Superresolution in Microspherical Nanoscopy (Alexey Maslov and Vasily Astratov).- 15. Role of Plasmonics in Super-Resolution Imaging Through Microspheres (Vasily Astratov’s group at UNC-Charlotte).- 16. Plasmonics Meets Far-Field Optical Nanoscopy (Fernando Stefani (to be confirmed)).- 17. Superoscillatory Focusing Technologies and Quantum Superoscillation (Nikolay Zheludev and Edward Rogers (to be confirmed)).- 18. Perfect Imaging via Transformation Optics (Ulf Leonhardt (to be confirmed)).- 19. Focusing and Imaging from the Far Field Using Time Reversal in Subwavelength Scaled Resonant Media (Fabrice Lemoult & Geoffroy Lerosey (to be confirmed)).
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