This book offers a comprehensive resource for imaging the feline patient, with an emphasis on the unique considerations of imaging cats. It focuses on radiology and ultrasound, with some coverage of advanced imaging such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Incorporating more than 1750 high-quality images, it is an invaluable reference for any veterinary practitioner with a significant feline caseload. Feline Diagnostic Imaging begins with information on the radiographic evaluation of the thorax, abdomen, and musculoskeletal structures, including normal anatomy and pathology, followed by a review of common echocardiographic and abdominal ultrasound findings and abnormalities. Advanced imaging of the skull using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging cases of brain and spinal disease are also included. The book: Provides imaging information specifically tailored to the particular needs of cats Emphasizes the modalities most commonly used in general practice, with some discussion of advanced imaging Gives a complete overview of diagnostic imaging for the feline patients Includes tips and tricks for the unique considerations of working with cats Presents essential information for any practitioner treating feline patients Offering a feline focus not found in other imaging books, Feline Diagnostic Imaging is an essential purchase for veterinarians wishing to improve their diagnostic imaging skills in cats. It’s also an excellent guide for veterinary radiologists, and veterinary students and residents.
List of Contributors xi Preface xiii Section 1 Advanced Imaging Techniques 1 1 Digital Radiography 3 Robert Cole and Adrien-Maxence Hespel 2 Principles of Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 13 Robert Cole and Adrien-Maxence Hespel 3 Ultrasound: Physical Principles of Ultrasound Imaging 27 Robert Cole and Adrien-Maxence Hespel 4 Nuclear Imaging 37 William Brawner Section 2 Imaging the Neurologic System 47 5 Diagnostic Imaging of Diseases of the Skull 49 Shannon P. Holmes 6 Imaging the Feline Neurologic System 77 Shannon P. Holmes 7 Normal Cross-sectional Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit 113 Eva M. Abarca 8 Diseases of the Eye 129 Eva M. Abarca Section 3 Imaging the Thorax 151 9 Normal Radiographic Anatomy 153 Martha M. Larson 10 Normal Cardiovascular Imaging 161 Merrilee Holland 11 Advanced Imaging Modalities 179 Martha M. Larson 12 Congenital Heart Disease 193 Merrilee Holland 13 Acquired Heart Disease 205 Merrilee Holland 14 Feline Pulmonary Disease 253 Martha M. Larson 15 Thoracic Cavity 281 Martha M. Larson 16 Trachea 287 Martha M. Larson 17 Mediastinal Disease 293 Martha M. Larson 18 Pleura 305 Martha M. Larson 19 Diaphragm 315 Martha M. Larson 20 Thorax 323 Martha M. Larson Section 4 Imaging the Abdomen 331 21 Normal Gastrointestinal Anatomy 333 Judith Hudson 22 Gastrointestinal Disease 347 Judith Hudson 23 Liver 381 Martha M. Larson 24 Pancreas 407 Merrilee Holland 25 Adrenal Gland 427 Merrilee Holland 26 Normal Urinary System 439 Judith Hudson 27 Urinary Disease 455 Judith Hudson 28 Reproduction 487 Judith Hudson and Aime Johnson 29 Hemolymphatic System 503 Judith Hudson 30 Peritoneal Cavity 529 Merrilee Holland 31 Body Wall 557 Merrilee Holland Section 5 Imaging the Musculoskeletal System 579 32 Overview of the Musculoskeletal System 581 Robert Cole and Adrien-Maxence Hespel Index 621
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