Edited by a diverse group of expert collaborators, the Handbook of the Cultural Foundations of Learning is a landmark volume that brings together cutting-edge research examining learning as an inherently cultural process. Conceptualizing culture as both a set of social practices and connected to learner identities, the chapters synthesize contemporary research in elaborating a new vision of the cultural nature of learning, moving beyond summary to reshape the field towards studies that situate culture in the learning sciences alongside equity of educational processes and outcomes. With the recent increased focus on culture and equity within the educational research community, this volume presents a comprehensive, innovative treatment of what has become one of the field’s most timely and relevant topics.
Section 1: Reframing Culture and Learning (Section Editors: Tryphenia Peele-Eady & Tiffany Lee) Chapter 1. Introduction to the Volume (Handbook Steering Committee) Chapter 2. Perspectives on diversity: Race, class, gender, exceptionality, and intersectionality (Jim Banks, Carol Lee, Tiffany Lee) Chapter 3. Reconceptualizing the qualitative/quantitative divide in the study of race and class (Ezekiel Dixon-Roman & John Jackson) Chapter 4. Inter-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary, and multi-disciplinary: Towards a methodology to study the cultural nature of learning (Bill Penuel & TBD) Section 2: The Socially-Adapted Brain, Development, and Culture (Section Editors: Carol Lee & Mike Cole) Chapter 5. Evolutionary & physiological contributions to understanding learning (Tomasello & Cole) Chapter 6. The Socially-adapted brain, culture, and learning (Pat Kuhl, Andy Meltzoff, & Carol Lee) Chapter 7. Implications of the cultural nature of development for learning (Barbara Rogoff) Chapter 8. Identity & culture for learning (Margaret Beale-Spencer & Jackie Eccles) Chapter 9. The challenges of stereotype threat for learning (Claude Steele, Geoffrey Cohen) Section 3: Language, Discourse, Mediation, Tools (Section Editors: Roy Pea, Louis Gomez, & Ray McDermott) Chapter 10. Learning ?how to mean?: Meaningful Embodied and Symbolic expressions in cultural practices (Roy Pea & Ray McDermott) Chapter 11. Exceptionality in semiotic functioning (David Rose (CAST) Chapter 12. Emerging new media literacies (Brigid Barron) Chapter 13. Learning, positioning, and revoicing in discourse (Sarah Michaels or Stanton Wortham) Chapter 14. Argumentation and disciplinary norms (Phill Bell & Noel Enydey) Chapter 15. Culture, power, and language (Guadalupe Valdes & H. Samy Alim) Section 4: Environments and Settings of Learning (Section Editors: Na?ilah Nasir & Luis Moll) Chapter 16. Conceptualizing culture and learning outside of school (Shirley Brice Heath & Kris Gutierrez) Chapter 17. Learning in families (Shelly Goldman, Harriet Romo, & Reed Stevens) Chapter 18. Communities as contexts for learning (Tryphenia Peele-Eady & Elizabeth Moje) Chapter 19. Culture, race, and content learning in classrooms (Beth Warren, Megan Bang, & Edd Taylor) Chapter 20. Structuring access to learning in school: Organizations, institutions, and policies (Linda Darling-Hammond & Angela Valenzuela) Chapter 21. Social networks and the complexity of educational systems (Bill Penuel, Ken Frank, Spiro Maroulis) Section 5: Conclusions and Implications (Potential Section Editor: Arnetha Ball) Chapter 22. Implications for Teaching and Teacher Education (Arnetha Ball & Etta Hollins) Chapter 23. Relating complex learning and education research and practice (Louis Gomez & Tony Bryk) Chapter 24. Policy Implications (Janelle Scott & Kevin Welner)
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