Written for high school introduction to horticulture, agriculture, or plant science courses, INTRODUCTORY HORTICULTURE, 9e, is a broad-based, first-level text that explores the basic principles of horticulture and methods of practical application. It offers varied multisensory applications — including group, crew, and individual -- and a hands-on approach in the modalities of learning, providing myriad avenues for students to experiment with the green industry. The Ninth Edition emphasizes organic and sustainable farming methods, introduces students to new and emerging technology, and focuses on organizations and career development paths relevant to aspiring horticulturists. In addition to the print format, the text is available through MindTap® Agriscience - a customizable, fully digital experience for students and instructors that combines an enhanced ebook, videos, quizzes, and much more.
Unit 1: Exploring the Horticulture Field.
Unit 2: Plant Taxonomy.
Unit 3: Parts of the Plant and Their Functions.
Unit 4: Environmental Requirements for Good Plant Growth.
Unit 5: Growth Stimulants, Retardants, and Rooting Hormones.
Unit 6: Seeds.
Unit 7: Softwood and Semi-hardwood Cuttings and Micropropagation.
Unit 8: Hardwood Cuttings.
Unit 9: Separation and Division.
Unit 10: Grafting.
Unit 11: Budding.
Unit 12: Layering.
Unit 13: Poinsettias.
Unit 14: Chrysanthemums.
Unit 15: Easter Lilies.
Unit 16: Integrated Pest Management.
Unit 17: Safe Use of Pesticides.
Unit 18: Insecticides.
Unit 19: Fungicides, Rodenticides, Molluscicides, and Nematocides.
Unit 20: Herbicides.
Unit 21: Dish Gardens, Fairy Gardens, and Terrariums.
Unit 22: Art of Bonsai.
Unit 23: Interior Landscape, Houseplants, and Plantscaping.
Unit 24: Shrubs and Trees.
Unit 25: Annual Bedding Plants.
Unit 26: Perennials, Ornamental Grass, Vines, Bamboo, and Prairie Gardens.
Unit 27: Narrowleaf Evergreens.
Unit 28: Broadleaf Evergreens.
Unit 29: Deciduous Trees.
Unit 30: Deciduous Shrubs.
Unit 31: Ground Covers.
Unit 32: Bulbs.
Unit 33: Techniques of Pruning.
Unit 34: Principles of Landscaping, Maintenance, Xeriscaping, Water Gardens, Irrigation, and Green Roofs.
Unit 35: Establishing the Lawn.
Unit 36: Maintaining the Lawn.
Unit 37: Renovating the Lawn.
Unit 38: Planning and Preparing the Garden Site.
Unit 39: Planting the Vegetable Garden.
Unit 40: Caring for the Vegetable Garden.
Unit 41: Favorite Garden Vegetables and Herbs.
Unit 42: Strawberries.
Unit 43: Blueberries.
Unit 44: Bramble Fruits.
Unit 45: Grapes.
Unit 46: Nut Crops.
Unit 47: Wreaths.
Unit 48: Creating Holiday Centerpieces.
Unit 49: Enhancements and Accessories for Floral Designs.
Unit 50: Floral Designs.
Unit 51: Corsages and Boutonnieres.
Unit 52: Beginning a Horticulture Business.
Unit 53: Financial Operations.
Unit 54: Human Relations.
Unit 55: Business Communications.
Unit 56: Horticulture in the Age of Technology.
Unit 57: Leadership Development in Horticulture.
Appendix A: Scientific and Common Names.
Appendix B: Professional, Educational, and Trade Organizations for Horticulture and Related Areas.
Appendix C: Tools of the Trade.
Appendix D: Deer Resistant Plants.
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