From award-winning author Andrew M. Pomerantz comes the Fifth edition of Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice, and Diversity, providing students with an inclusive and culturally competent view of the vast world of clinical psychology.
Preface \\ About the Author \\ PART I. INTRODUCING CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY \\ 1. Clinical Psychology: Definition and Training \\ What is Clinical Psychology? \\ Education and Training in Clinical Psychology \\ Professional Activities and Employment Settings \\ How Are Clinical Psychologists Different From . . . \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 2. Evolution of Clinical Psychology \\ Origins of the Field \\ Early Pioneers \\ Lightner Witmer and the Creation of Clinical Psychology \\ Assessment \\ Psychotherapy \\ Development of the Profession \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 3. Current Controversies in Clinical Psychology \\ Prescription Privileges \\ Evidence-Based Practice/Manualized Therapy \\ Overexpansion of Mental Disorders \\ Payment Methods: Third-Party Payment Versus Self-Payment \\ The Influence of Technology: Telepsychology and More \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 4. Diversity and Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology \\ The Rise of Multiculturalism in Clinical Psychology \\ Cultural Competence \\ Are We All Alike? Or All Different? \\ What Constitutes a Culture? \\ Training Psychologists in Cultural Issues \\ An Example of Culture Influencing the Clinical Context: The Parent–Child Relationship \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 5. Ethical and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology \\ American Psychological Association Code of Ethics \\ Confidentiality \\ Informed Consent \\ Boundaries and Multiple Relationships \\ Competence \\ Ethics in Clinical Assessment \\ Ethics in Clinical Research \\ Contemporary Ethical Issues \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 6. Conducting Research in Clinical Psychology \\ Why Do Clinical Psychologists Do Research? \\ How Do Clinical Psychologists Do Research? \\ Ethical Issues in Research in Clinical Psychology \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ PART II. ASSESSMENT \\ 7. Diagnosis and Classification Issues: DSM-5 and More \\ Defining Normality and Abnormality \\ Diagnosis and Classification of Mental Disorders: A Brief History \\ Alternative Directions in Diagnosis and Classification \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 8. The Clinical Interview \\ The Interviewer \\ Components of the Interview \\ Pragmatics of the Interview \\ Types of Interviews \\ Cultural Components \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 9. Intellectual and Neuropsychological Assessment \\ Intelligence Testing \\ Achievement Testing \\ Neuropsychological Testing \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 10. Personality Assessment and Behavioral Assessment \\ Multimethod Assessment \\ Evidence-Based Assessment \\ Culturally Competent Assessment \\ Objective Personality Tests \\ Projective Personality Tests \\ Behavioral Assessment \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ PART III. PSYCHOTHERAPY \\ 11. General Issues in Psychotherapy \\ Does Psychotherapy Work? \\ Efficacy Versus Effectiveness of Psychotherapy \\ Which Type of Psychotherapy Is Best? \\ What Types of Psychotherapy Do Clinical Psychologists Practice? \\ Denise: A Fictional Client to Consider From Multiple Perspectives \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 12. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy \\ Defining Psychodynamic Psychotherapy \\ Goal of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy \\ Psychosexual Stages: Clinical Implications \\ More Contemporary Forms of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy \\ How Well Does It Work? \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 13. Humanistic Psychotherapy \\ Humanistic Concepts: Clinical Implications \\ Goal of Humanistic Psychotherapy \\ Elements of Humanistic Psychotherapy \\ Reflection: An Important Therapist Response \\ Alternatives to Humanism \\ How Well Does It Work? \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 14. Behavior Therapy \\ Origins of Behavior Therapy \\ Goal of Behavior Therapy \\ Two Types of Conditioning \\ Techniques Based on Classical Conditioning \\ Techniques Based on Operant Conditioning \\ Alternatives to Behavior Therapy \\ How Well Does It Work? \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 15. Cognitive Psychotherapy and Mindfulness-Based Therapies \\ Goal of Cognitive Therapy \\ Two Approaches to Cognitive Therapy \\ Recent Applications of Cognitive Therapy \\ How Well Does It Work? \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 16. Group and Family Therapy \\ Group Therapy \\ Family Therapy \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ PART IV. SPECIAL TOPICS \\ 17. Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology \\ Psychological Issues of Childhood \\ Assessment of Children and Adolescents \\ Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 18. Health Psychology \\ Definitions: Health Psychology Versus Behavioral Medicine \\ Stress \\ Stress and Physical Illness \\ Stress and Coping \\ Social Support \\ Clinical Applications \\ A Trend in Health Psychology: Patient-Centered Medical Homes \\ Cultural Factors in Health Psychology \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ 19. Forensic Psychology \\ Definition and History \\ Forensic Activities of Clinical Psychologists \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms and Names \\ Critical Thinking Question \\ Looking Toward Graduate Programs \\ Key Journals \\ Student Study Site Resources \\ Glossary \\ References \\ Author Index \\ Subject Index
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