Engineering Hydrology examines the physics and engineering aspects of soil and water-quality preservation. Topics include a quantitative overview of the hydrologic cycle, upland erosion and water quality, stream channel design, hydraulics of common management structures, ponds and embankments, drainage and irrigation, and stream and lake quality issues. The practical text and reference has been thoroughly revised and updated throughout and maintains its accessible approach to the subject; Covers a diverse range of topics in the forefront of natural resources engineering. Stresses fundamentals, building on traditional agricultural engineering soil and water teachings. Contains learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter to enhance student learning. Helps students and practicing professionals prepare environmentally friendly solutions for clients engaging in agricultural production and related commercial activities. The revised text hones the definition natural resources engineering as the design of planned activities complimentary to or opposing natural or societal forces leading to modifications of the soil, water, biota and/or air environment. The problem space remains on the farm or field scale. The purpose of natural resources engineering is sustainable environmental management under the ongoing constraints of land use change and increasing environmental regulation. The text first provides a revised quantitative overview of the hydrologic cycle, culminating with runoff. The treatment of the hydrologic cycle is revised to focus rainfall and design storm prediction around the recently released precipitation atlases that replace the circa 1960 precipitation maps for design storm prediction. The author has developed a series of Excel spreadsheets for predicting infiltration, evaporation and runoff that will be discussed along with modern public domain softwares for use in these respective topics. New developments in channel design of earthen and vegetative waterways, notably tractive force-based designs, will be discussed, along with spreadsheet implementations of both the permissible velocity design and the tractive force design approaches will be introduced. The hydraulics of common structures is introduced, followed by a discussion of ponds and embankments. This edition eliminates the terraces and diversion discussion, as terraces are not anticipated to be widely used in the future due to successes in conservation tillage for erosion control in farmlands. Likewise, the irrigation chapter and the bioremediation chapter has been eliminated as both of the topics now are commonly given semester long courses using resources which more fully develop the respective topics. This text focuses on activities related to water and soil resources. There are numerous textbooks on hydrology, but there arent any that focus on the immediate and practical application of engineering in natural resources. The new edition of this well-respected textbook will fill that niche.
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