Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals is a comprehensive resource for veterinarians and scientists covering the basic pathology of zoo and wildlife species, including a wide scope of animals, disease types and geographic regions. It is the definitive book for students, biologists, scientists, physicians, veterinary clinicians and pathologists working with non-domestic species in a variety of settings, including zoos, privately owned "exotic" pets or collections, laboratory animal settings, animal rehabilitation centers, and in the wild. General chapters include information on performing necropsies, proper techniques to meet the specialized needs of forensic cases, and interpretation of ancillary diagnostics in non-traditional species. Each chapter and section provides information about a disease at multiple levels, including gross and histologic lesions and information on pathogenesis and optimal diagnostic sampling. For each specific group of animals, information on unique gross and microscopic anatomical features are provided to further assist the reader in deciding whether differences from the domestic animal paradigm are "normal." Additional online content includes access to scanned histologic slides of specific "classic" diseases, providing more information than is available in a single image.
1. Wildlife Necropsy 2. Forensic Wildlife Pathology 3. Laboratory Diagnostics 4. Introduction to Comparative Clinical Pathology 5. Bovidae, Antilocapridae, Giraffidae, Tragulidae, Hippopotamidae 6. Cervidae 7. Camelidae 185 8. Suidae 9. Canidae, Ursidae, and Ailuridae 10. Felidae 263 11. Mustelids 12. Procyonidae, Viverridae, Hyenidae, Herpestidae, Eupleridae, and Prionodontidae 13. Prosimians 14. New World and Old World Monkeys 15. Apes 16. Proboscidae 17. Perissodactyls 18. Monotremes and Marsupials 19. Lagomorpha 20. Rodentia 21. Xenartha (Anteaters, Sloths, Armadillos); Erinacoemorpha (Hedgehogs, Moonrats); Some Afrotheria (Aardvarks, Hyrax, Elephant Shrews, Golden Moles, Tenrecs), and Phloidota (Pangolins) 22. Cetacea 23. Pinnipediae 24. Wildlife and Zoo Pathology Sirenia 25. Chiroptera 26. Palaeognathae: Apterygiformes, Casuariiformes, Rheiformes, Struthioniformes; Tinamiformes 27. Sphenisciformes, Gaviiformes, Podicipediformes, Procellariiformes, and Pelecaniformes 28. Phoenicopteriformes 29. Anseriformes, Ciconiiformes, Charadriiformes, and Gruiformes 30. Birds of Prey 31. Galliformes and Columbiformes 32. Psittacines, Coliiformes, Musophagiformes, Cuculiformes 33. Passeriformes, Caprimulgiformes, Coraciiformes, Piciformes, Bucerotiformes, and Apodiformes 34. Chelonia 35. Crocodilia 36. Lacertilia 37. Serpentes 38. Amphibia 39. Pathology of the Osteichthyes 40. Chondrichthyes 41. Invertebrates
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