Crisis Intervention takes into account various environments and populations across the lifespan to provide students with practical guidelines for managing crises.
Chapter 1: Understanding Crisis \\ Defining Crisis \\ Danger vs. Opportunity \\ Types of Crises \\ Crises Reactions: A Continuum of Response \\ Multicultural Awareness and Crisis Intervention \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 2: Crisis Intervention Models: an Exploration of Historical and Contemporary Models \\ Crisis Assessment Models \\ Crisis Intervention Models \\ Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Crisis Intervention \\ Slaikeu’s Comprehensive Model for Crisis Intervention \\ Flannery & Everly’s Crisis Intervention Model \\ Aguilera’s Model of Crisis Intervention \\ Robert’s Seven-Stage Crisis Intervention Model \\ James and Gilliland’s Six-Step Crisis Intervention Model \\ Greenstone & Leviton’s Crisis Intervention Model \\ Kanel’s A-B-C Model of Crisis Intervention \\ Cavaiola & Colford’s L-A-P-C Model of Crisis Intervention \\ Crisis Intervention Services in the 21st Century \\ Summary \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 3: Essential Crisis Intervention Skills \\ Responses to Crisis \\ The Physical Response \\ The Emotional Response \\ The Cognitive Response \\ Characteristics of Effective Crisis Intervention \\ Empowerment-Focused Crisis Intervention \\ Flexible Crisis Intervention \\ Characteristics of Effective Crisis Counselors \\ Empathy, Genuineness, and Acceptance and Positive Regard \\ Crisis Intervention Techniques: The L-A-P-C model \\ Putting Empathy, Genuineness, and Acceptance Into Practice \\ Chapter 4: Child Maltreatment \\ Discussion Questions \\ Introduction \\ Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect \\ Definitional Issues in Maltreatment \\ Prevalence of Child Abuse and Neglect \\ Possible Indicators of Child Abuse and Neglect \\ General Guidelines for Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 5: Adolescent Crises \\ Discussion Questions \\ Introduction \\ Historical Perspectives in Adolescence \\ What the Data Say \\ Adolescent Crises \\ Guidelines for Intervening with Eating Disorders \\ Adolescent Suicide \\ Guidelines for Dealing with a Suicidal Adolescent \\ Adolescents and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI): An Overview \\ Guidelines for Treating an Adolescent for Self-Injury \\ An Identity Crisis in Adolescence \\ Guidelines for Addressing Issues of Identity Development \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 6: The School’s Response to Crisis \\ Discussion Questions \\ Introduction \\ Active Shooter Incidents: Results from the FBI and the Secret Service \\ Implications for Schools \\ Case Presentation: A Case Involving A School Shooting \\ Case Discussion/Crisis Resolution \\ Case Presentation: Suicide and the School’s Response \\ Case Discussion/Crisis Resolution \\ Guidelines for Dealing with a School-Related Suicide \\ Case Presentation: Accidental Death of a Student \\ Responding to Accidental Death: The School’s Response \\ Memorials \\ Case Presentation: Middle School and 9/11 \\ Case Conceptualization/Crisis Resolution \\ Crisis by Proxy \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 7: Alcohol and Drug Crises \\ Discussion Questions \\ The Scope of Drug and Alcohol Problems \\ Defining Substance Use Disorders: Diagnostic Concerns \\ Crisis Intervention and Case Management \\ General Guidelines for Working with Individuals with Substance Use Disorders \\ Treatment Options \\ Summary \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 8: The Crisis of Sexual Assault \\ Discussion Questions \\ Introduction \\ Statistics \\ Reactions of Victims to Sexual Assault \\ Who are the Perpetrators of Rape and Sexual Assault? \\ What to Do When Sexual Assault Is Reported \\ 1-800-656-HOPE \\ Case Presentation: Anita, a Case of Sexual Assault \\ Intervention \\ Case Discussion/Crisis Resolution \\ Case Presentation: Nicole, a Case of Date Rape \\ Case Conceptualization/Crisis Resolution \\ Case Presentation: A Case of Date Rape and Date Rape Drugs \\ Case Conceptualization/Crisis Resolution \\ Case Presentation: Kristin, a Case of Rape \\ Case Conceptualization/Crisis Resolution \\ Guidelines for Treating Victims of Sexual Assault \\ Quiz Answers \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 9: Intimate Partner Violence & Domestic Violence \\ Discussion Questions \\ Scope of the Problem \\ Definitions and Terminology \\ Battered Women \\ Characteristics Common to Batterers \\ The Cycle of Violence \\ Multicultural Considerations \\ Survivor Therapy with Battered Women \\ Programs for Batterers \\ Intimate Partner Stalking \\ Case Presentation: Physical & Verbal Abuse in a Dating Relationships \\ Case Presentation: A Case of Physical & Verbal Abuse \\ Case Presentation: A Verbally and Emotionally Abusive Relationship \\ General Guidelines for Crisis Counseling with Couples Exhibiting Intimate Partner Violence \\ Elder Abuse and Other Types of Domestic Violence \\ Case Presentation: A Case of Elder Abuse \\ Summary \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 10: Crises Involving Bereavement, Grief, and Loss \\ Discussion Questions \\ Defining Grief and Crises of Bereavement \\ Determinants of Grief Reactions \\ The Grieving Process \\ The Tasks of Mourning \\ Crisis Intervention in Situations Involving Bereavement and Loss \\ Case Presentation: George, a Husband Grieves the Loss of His Wife \\ Case Presentation: James and Barbara, a Couple Grieves the Tragic Loss of Their Son \\ Case Presentation: Ryan, a Child Grieves the Loss of His Mother \\ Case Presentations: Tara & Bill, Parents Grieving the Loss of Their Newborn Daughter \\ Case Presentation: Tanya, a Case of Traumatic Bereavement \\ Case Presentation: John, the Grief of Divorce \\ Suicide Bereavement \\ Grieving the Loss of a Pet \\ General Guidelines for Counselors in Managing Crises of Loss and Bereavement \\ Summary \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 11: Crises Involving Suicide, Homicide & Lethality \\ Discussion Questions \\ Introduction \\ Scope and Definition of the Problem \\ Case Presentation: Beth, A Case Involving a Vague Threat of Suicide \\ Case Presentation: Maria, a Case Involving a Threatened Suicide \\ Guidelines for Managing Crises Involving Suicide \\ Crises Involving Homicide, Lethality and Threats of Suicide \\ Case Presentation: Jason, A Case Involving the Threat of Violence \\ Case Presentation: Richard, A Case Involving Threats of Murder/Suicide \\ Summary \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 12: Mental Health & Psychiatric Crises \\ Discussion Questions \\ Scope of the Problem \\ Defining Various Psychiatric Crises \\ Case Presentation: A Case of Panic Disorder in the Aftermath of Trauma \\ Practical Guidelines for Crisis Intervention for Someone with PTSD & Anxiety \\ Practical Guidelines for Crisis Intervention for Someone with Mood Disorders \\ Guidelines for Crisis Intervention for Those with Schizophrenia \\ Crisis Related to Personality Disorders \\ Guidelines for Crisis Intervention with Borderline Personality Disorder \\ Crises Involving Neurocognitive Disorders \\ Crisis Cases Involving Delirium and Dementia \\ Medical Conditions & Medications That Can Mimic Psychiatric Symptoms \\ Psychiatric Crisis Service Delivery: Psychiatric Crisis Hot Lines \\ Psychiatric Crisis Service Delivery: Psychiatric Walk-In Crisis Centers and Mobile Crisis Services \\ Warning Signs of a Mental Health Crisis \\ Multicultural Considerations \\ Summary \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 13: Health Crises \\ Discussion Questions \\ Introduction \\ Defining Medical Crises \\ Emotional-Psychological Response to Medical Crises \\ The Crisis Response of the Family and the Cultural Consideration \\ Case Presentation: A Crisis at the time of Diagnosis \\ Case Presentation: A Treatment Decision Crisis Involving Chronic Back Pain \\ Guidelines for Counselors Working with Medical Crises \\ Summary \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 14: Crises in the Workplace \\ Discussion Questions \\ Introduction \\ Crises Pertaining to Workplace Violence \\ Case Presentation: When Violence Threatens \\ Guidelines for Crisis Intervention with a Potentially Violent Employee \\ Crises Pertaining to Downsizing and Job Termination \\ Case Presentation: “I’ve Been Downsized” \\ Guidelines for Crisis Counseling with a Downsized Employee \\ Crises Pertaining to Supervisor – Coworker Conflict \\ Crises Pertaining to the Convergence of Work Stressors and Outside-of-Work Stressors \\ Summary \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment \\ Chapter 15. Disaster Response \\ Discussion Questions \\ Introduction \\ Middletown, New Jersey: A Community in Crisis \\ Middletown’s Response to 9/11 \\ Middletown’s Favor Answers the Call \\ Middletown and Favor Working Together \\ A Parish Rises Up to Help \\ Resources for Chapter Enrichment
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