Creamer’s practical and original approach enables students and researchers to feel confident when designing their own fully integrated mixed methods studies to answer their research questions.
List of Tables and Figures \\ Preface \\ Conceptual Framework \\ Purpose \\ Audience \\ Distinguishing Features \\ Organization of the Book \\ Organization of Each Chapter \\ Taking Advantage of the Text \\ Related Assignments \\ Acknowledgments \\ About the Author \\ PART 1: FOUNDATIONAL ISSUES \\ Chapter 1: Definitional Issues \\ Example from Popular Media: Locating the Bones of Richard III \\ Purposes and Goals of the Chapter \\ Different Perspectives on the Definition of Mixed Methods Research \\ The Centrality of Mixing to the Definition of Mixed Methods Research \\ Distinguishing Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches \\ Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches as Different Analytical Strategies \\ Conceptualizing Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches on a Continuum \\ Mixed Methods as a Logic of Inquiry \\ Evaluation and Mixed Methods \\ Conceptual Framework – Fully Integrated Mixed Methods Research \\ The Architectural Arch as a Metaphor \\ \"Mixed Up\" Methods \\ Controversies Involving Foundational Issues \\ Summary of Key Points \\ Key Terms \\ Supplemental Activity \\ Recommended Reading \\ Chapter 2: Classifying the Purposes of Mixed Methods Research \\ Mixed Methods Research Featured in the Popular Media \\ Purpose, Goals, and Contribution of the Chapter \\ Arguments for the Preeminence of Purpose in Distinguishing Mixed Methods Studies \\ An Over-Riding Purpose of Mixing Compatible Methods: Triangulation \\ Typologies for Categorizing Research Articles by Purpose \\ Evolution of Typologies \\ An Expanded Typology of Purposes \\ Design Features of the Major Categories of Purpose Types \\ Prevalence of the Use of Different Types of Purposes \\ Design Features of the Exemplary Publication (Durksen & Klassen, 2012) \\ Mixing in the Chapter Exemplar \\ Value-Added of Mixed Methods in the Chapter Exemplar \\ Situations Where a Mixed Methods Approach May Not Be Appropriate \\ Conclusions \\ Recommendations for Practice \\ Summary of Key Points \\ Key Terms \\ Supplemental Activities \\ Recommended Reading \\ Chapter 3: Recognizing Paradigmatic Assumptions \\ Purpose, Goals, and Contribution of the Chapter \\ Goals of the Chapter \\ Defining What is Meant by a Paradigm \\ Differing Viewpoints About the Relevance of Paradigms \\ Key Features of Paradigmatic Stances to Research That Are Compatible with Mixed Methods \\ Pragmatism \\ Dialectical Pluralism \\ Realist and Critical Realist Paradigm \\ Transformative-Emancipatory Paradigm \\ Grounded Theory and Mixed Methods – Exemplary Publication (Gasson & Waters, 2013) \\ Paradigmatic Assumptions that are Likely to Be Incompatible with Mixed Methods \\ Being Reflexive About Your Own Paradigm \\ Controversies Associated with Paradigms \\ Conclusion \\ Summary of Key Points \\ Key Terms \\ Supplemental Activities \\ Recommended Reading \\ Chapter 4: Distinguishing Mixed Methods Designs \\ Purposes, Goals, and Contribution of the Chapter \\ Timing and Priority as Key Features That Distinguish Mixed Method Designs \\ A Classification System for Prototypical Mixed Method Designs \\ Summary About Design Types \\ Priority as a Key Feature of Mixed Method Designs \\ A Notation System that Incorporates Priority and Timing \\ Explaining the Prevalence of a Quantitative Priority \\ Mixed Methods Studies with Unequal Priority \\ Mixed Methods Studies with a Qualitative Priority \\ Design Features of the Exemplary Publication \\ Describing Key Features of the Chapter Exemplar \\ Strategies to Establish Priority \\ Equal Priority Mixed Methods Studies \\ Conclusions \\ Summary of Key Points \\ Key Terms \\ Supplemental Activities \\ Recommended Reading \\ PART 2: EXECUTING FULLY INTEGRATED MIXED METHODS RESEARCH \\ Chapter 5: Strategies for Mixing Prior to Analysis \\ Example from the Popular Media: The Blue Zones \\ Purposes, Goals, and Contribution of the Chapter \\ Organization of the Chapter \\ Design Phase Mixing: Mixed Method Purpose Statements and Research Questions \\ Wording Research Questions to Reflect Priority \\ Three Approaches to Writing Mixed Method Research Questions \\ Mixing During Sampling \\ Combining Probability and Purposeful Sampling \\ Timing as a Way to Distinguish Mixed Method Sampling Approaches \\ Using Identical or Nested Samples \\ Exemplary Article: A Mixed Method Study of Using Social Media (Young & Jaganath, 2013) \\ Five Types of Mixing in the Chapter Exemplar \\ Methodological Transparency in the Exemplar \\ Conclusion \\ Summary of Key Points \\ Key Terms \\ Supplemental Activities \\ Recommended Reading \\ Chapter 6: Mixed Method Analytical Procedures \\ Returning to the Metaphor of the Architectural Arch \\ Purpose, Goals, and Contribution of the Chapter \\ Mixed Method Analytical Strategies \\ Examples of the Use of Mixed Method Analytical Strategies \\ Example 1: Illustrating Data Transformation: Creamer and Ghoston (2012) \\ Example 2: Illustration Four Mixed Methods Analytical Strategies: Jang, McDougall, Pollon, Herbert, and Russell (2008) \\ Example 3: Illustrating Two Mixed Method Analytical Strategies: Elliott, Gale, Parsons, Kuh, and The HALCyon Study (2014) \\ Mixing by Constructing Inferences and Meta-Inferences \\ Examples of Meta-Inferences \\ Embedding Design Strategies that Promote Meaningful Meta-Inferences \\ Conclusions \\ Summary of Key Points \\ Key Terms \\ Supplemental Activities \\ Recommended Reading \\ Chapter 7: Data Transformation and other Strategies for Mixing During Analysis \\ Purpose, Goals, and Contribution of the Chapter \\ Contributions of the Chapter \\ Organization of the Chapter \\ Quantifying and Quantitizing Qualitative Data \\ Quantifying \\ Attending to Sample Size \\ Examples of Quantifying and Quantitizing Qualitative Data \\ Example One from Mazzola, Walker, Schockley, & Spector (2011): Quantifying two Qualitatively Derived Variables for Purposes of Demonstrating a Relationship \\ Example Two from Castro, Kellison, Boyd, & Kopak (2010): Demonstrating a Relationship between Qualitatively and Quantitatively Derived Variables \\ Example Three from Young and Jaganath (2013): Quantifying Qualitative Themes to Show Change over Time \\ Example Four from Odom et al. (2006): Quantifying Qualitative Themes to Distinguish Groups \\ Qualitizing Numeric Data \\ Mixed Method Approaches to Case Study \\ Philosophical Assumptions of Case Study that are Well-Suited to Mixed Methods \\ Mixing by Linking Qualitative and Quantitative Data in a Case Report \\ Accomplishing Mixing through Sampling Procedures in Case Study Research \\ Exemplary Article: Mixed Methods Case Study Research by Cooper (2014) \\ Mixing across Stages of the Research Process in the Exemplar \\ Conclusions \\ Summary of Key Points \\ Key Terms \\ Supplemental Activities \\ Recommended Reading \\ PART 3: EVALUATING QUALITY \\ Chapter 8: Evaluating Quality in Mixed Methods Research Publications \\ Purpose, Goals, and Contribution of the Chapter \\ Organization of the Chapter \\ Chapter Exemplar: McMahon (2007) Study About the Endorsement of Rape Myths among College Athletes \\ Mixed Method Evaluation Rubric (MMER) \\ Defining and Illustrating the Evaluation Criteria in the MMER \\ Criterion # 1: Transparency Application to the Exemplar \\ Criterion # 2: Amount of Mixing Application to the Exemplar \\ Criterion # 3: Interpretive Comprehensiveness Application to the Exemplar \\ Criterion # 4: Methodological Foundation Application to the Exemplar \\ Using Evaluation Criteria to Demonstrate a Link between Design and Quality \\ Challenges and Future Uses of the MMER \\ Summary of Key Points \\ Key Terms \\ Supplemental Activities \\ Recommended Reading \\ Chapter 9: Designing and Reporting a Fully Integrated Mixed Methods Research Proposal or Doctoral Dissertation \\ Communicating Priority \\ Purpose, Goals, and Contribution of the Chapter \\ Organization of the Chapter \\ Situations When the Multi-Method Label is Appropriate \\ Intentionality About Incorporating Design Features That Promote Mixing \\ Designing a Mixed Methods Study in Ways that are Feasible for a Newcomer to Empirical Research \\ Chapter Exemplars that are the Most Feasible as Models for Doctoral Research \\ Methods that are Adaptable to a Mixed Methods Approach \\ Content Analysis \\ Organizing a Mixed Methods Research Manuscript \\ Extending the Quality of Reporting \\ Process-Oriented Graphics \\ Illustrating the Guidelines for Methodological Transparency with an Exemplar \\ Conclusions \\ Summary of Key Points \\ Key Terms \\ Recommended Reading \\ PART 4: CONTROVERSIES AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS \\ Chapter 10: Controversies and Future Directions \\ Purposes, Goals, and Contribution of the Chapter \\ Contribution of the Chapter \\ Organization of the Chapter \\ Looking Back: Controversies about Mixed Methods Research \\ Evidence About Prevalence \\ Reframing Designs to Emphasize Mixing During Analysis \\ Conceiving Mixed Priority Designs \\ Inserting a Third Column: Visualizing Designs in Ways that Highlight Mixing \\ Re-Conceptualizing Priority in Terms of Inferences and Meta-Inferences \\ Applying a Template to Visualize Meta-Inferences \\ Summarizing Major Themes \\ Lessons from the Exemplars \\ Refocusing the Logic of Combination \\ Applying the Mixed Methods Label \\ Summary of Key Points \\ Key Terms \\ Supplemental Activities \\ Recommended Reading \\ Appendices \\ Appendix A: Summary of Key Points by Chapter \\ Appendix B: List of Supplemental Activities by Chapter \\ Appendix C: Blank Template for Article Summaries \\ Appendix D: Templates for Chapter Exemplars \\ Endnote \\ Glossary \\ References \\ Name Index \\ Subject Index
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