Professionals, academics, and policy makers in the field of child and adolescent development tend to use theoretical frameworks stemming from traditional classified disciplines of psychology, sociology, political science, economics, education, and social work. This book creates an opportunity for experts to use interdisciplinary approaches and perspectives, and provides evidence-based knowledge to deal with the stresses of children and adolescents living in poverty, difficult socioeconomic conditions, and varied cultures. It also conveys the message that shared understandings can promote well-meaning and well-reasoned intervention success in similar contexts across nations in which children and adolescents are growing up in complex and risky environments. The contributors, from multiple disciplines, weave their knowledge around the development of children in contemporary society. They highlight the necessary conversations that schools, families, communities, individuals, and nation-states need to have and, most importantly, the responsibility for everyone to develop an understanding of the mental-health needs of the new generation.
Foreword \\ Preface \\ Introduction \\ PART ONE: ECONOMICS \\ Martin Knapp and David McDaid Responding to Scarcity: Understanding Costs and Cost-effectiveness \\ PART TWO: CLINICAL CASE STUDIES \\ Raman Deep Pattanayak and Manju Mehta Childhood and Adolescent Depression \\ Latha Nrugham and Vandana Varma Prakash Suicidality among Children and Adolescents: Complexities and Challenges \\ PART THREE: SPECIAL CONTEXTS \\ Shankar Das, Ashima Das, and George Leibowitz Impact of HIV//AIDS on the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents in India \\ Ragnhild Bj rnebekk Youngsters, Antisociality, and Violence: The Case of Norway \\ Usha S Nayar, Ingunn Hagen, Priya Nayar, and Dan Y Jacobsen Mental Health for the Media Generation: Balancing Coping and Riskiness \\ PART FOUR: SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL CLIMATE \\ Matthijs Cornelissen Are Schools Injurious to Health? The Implicit Curriculum and Its Relation to Mental Health \\ Neharika Vohra and Esha Patnaik Mental Health of Urban School-Going Children in India \\ Ajit K Dalal Resilience and Resourcefulness of Disadvantaged Children: Lotus in the Mud \\ PART FIVE: CHILD WELFARE \\ Jeanette Schmid Family Group Conferencing: Engaging the Family Culture for Improved Children’s Mental Health Outcomes \\ Patricia L Kohl Behavioral Parent Training with Abusive Parents \\ Irene Rizzini and Neli de Almeida From Institutionalization to Family Settings: Rethinking Practices for Children and Youth with Mental Disabilities in Brazil \\ Jeanette Schmid Child Welfare and Children’s Mental Health Needs in the Context of Development: An Integrated (South African) Approach \\ PART SIX: Interventions and Innovative Practices \\ Shirley Telles Effect of Yoga on Mental Health in Children \\ Vandana Sharma and Mamta Sharma Raga Therapy: Power of Music to Alleviate Academic Stress in Adolescents \\ Craig N Shealy, Devi Bhuyan, and Lee G Sternberger Cultivating the Capacity to Care in Children and Youth: Implications from EI Theory, EI Self, and BEVI \\ Sebasti n Javier Lipina, Mar a Soledad Segretin, Mar a Julia Hermida, and Jorge Augusto Colombo Research on Child Poverty and Development from a Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective: Examples of Studies in Argentina \\ Michael O’Loughlin Countering the Rush to Medication: Psychodynamic, Intergenerational, and Cultural Considerations in Understanding Children’s Psychic Distress \\ PART SEVEN: COUNTRY FOCUS-STATUS, POLICIES, AND CHILDREN’S VOICES \\ Maeve Thornton Family Structure in Ireland and Child Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes \\ Helia Molina, Paula Bedregal, and Maria Paz Guzman Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Chile and Latin America \\ Beatriz Or and Mart n Benavides Children’s Voices in the Psychologist’s Office: Contributions about Mental Health from Peru \\ Usha S Nayar and Shankar Das Mental Health of Children and Adolescents in Contemporary India \\ Index \\
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