Defines an approach to mental healthcare focused on the provision of evidence-based, cost-effective treatments, founded on the principles of sharing the best information about common problems and achieving international equity in coverage, options and outcomes.
Preface; Introduction; Part I. History and Background to Global Mental Health: 1. History of global mental health; 2. Burden of illness; 3. Trends and gaps in mental health disparities; 4. Global health and mental health as diplomacy; 5. Global mental health and the United Nations; Part II. Advocacy and Reduction of Stigma: 6. Voice of user survivor; 7. Lecture on internalized stigma; 8. Definition and process of stigma; 9. Stigmatization and exclusion; 10. Grassroots mental health movements; 11. The rise of consumerism and local advocacy; 12. Programs to reduce stigma in HIV/AIDS, mental illness and epilepsy; Part III. Systems of Development: 13. The challenges of human resources in low and middle income countries; 14. Integration of mental health services in primary care settings; 15. Collaboration between traditional and Western practitioners; 16. Setting up an integrated mental health system; Part IV. Systems of Development for Special Populations: 17. Poverty and perinatal morbidity as risk factors for mental illness; 18. Maternal mental health care: refining the components in a South African setting; 19. Screening for developmental disabilities in epidemiologic studies in low and middle income countries; 20. Child services; 21. Child abuse as a global mental health problem; 22. Child soldiers; 23. Mental health and intellectual disability: implications for global mental health; 24. Adolescent alcohol and substance abuse; 25. Developing intervention in low resource contexts; Part V. Gender and Equality: 26. Strategies to reduce women’s mental illness and increase attention to women’s mental health; 27. Violence against women; 28. Women and global mental health: vulnerability and empowerment; 29. Trafficking in persons; Part VI. Human Resources and Capacity Building: 30. Capacity building; 31. Use of allied professionals; 32. Mental health and illness in conflict areas; 33. Implications of disasters for global mental health; 34. International response to natural and manmade disasters; 35. Global health governance and international law, and mental health; 36. The role of NGOs; 37. Mental health, mass communication and media; Part VII. Suicide and Violence: 38. Suicide and depression; 39. Violence as a public health problem; 40. Setting up integrated mental health systems: the case of Cuba; 41. The war on drugs – the US, Mexico and Central American countries and Plan Colombia and Merida; Part VIII. Research and Monitoring Progress of Countries: 42. Medical education and global mental health; 43. Research priorities for mental health in low and middle income countries (LMIC); 44. Research infrastructure; 45. Monitoring progress of countries; Epilogue; Index.
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