Filled with examples of typically developing children and those with speech sound disorders; Shelley Velleman’s Speech Language Disorders offers authoritative coverage of the key concepts of normal speech sound development and production; as well as the related articulation and phonological disorders. A practical resource for patient assessment and treatment; this up-to-date book integrates the latest research in the field with actual speech data examples. Rather than covering treatment options at the end of the text or as an add on; the book integrates these vital components directly into the appropriate chapters to help Speech-Language Pathology students understand the connection between the science of the disorders and real-life practice. Using highly readable prose enriched by clear definitions; examples; and exercises; the author covers all key concepts; including important topics often not offered in similar books; including evaluating and treating speech sound disorders in young children; those with neurodevelopmental syndromes; and those with prosody issues. In addition; the book helps students see the connection between speech sound disorders and the related motor speech disorders that overlap and complicate assessment and treatment. • Compelling online videos of children with speech sound disorders (supplemented with assignable exercises) bring concepts to life and connect classroom learning with real-life practice.• Considerations for assessment and treatment of children who speak languages other than English are interwoven throughout the text.• Numerous data sets and examples of children with speech disorders provide a real-world context.• Case studies for practice show readers how to apply the concepts and techniques covered.• Assessment and treatment of motor speech disorders in children are covered; including differential diagnosis of dysarthria and Childhood Apraxia of Speech; an area of expertise of the author.• Quick and easy assessment forms for identifying children’s speech strengths and weaknesses are included.• Application to practice elements include integrated coverage of the assessment and treatment options for each subcomponent of speech sound development disorder.• Feature boxes point out common misconceptions and common confusion areas and explain particularly challenging concepts and innovative approaches.• Author-developed exercises for applying concepts; practicing evaluation techniques; scoring tests; and developing treatment plans give students hands-on practice in applying concepts.• End-of-chapter review questions contain multiple-choice quizzes that allow students to assess their understanding of chapter content.
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