The papers selected for this volume have strongly influenced modern thinking about why skilled experts make errors and how to make aviation error resilient, and are based on recent human factors research which reveals that errors made by skilled human operators - such as pilots, controllers, and mechanics - are not root causes but symptoms of the way the industry operates.
Contents: Introduction; Part I Conceptual Frameworks for Thinking About Human Error: The contribution of latent human failures to the breakdown of complex systems, J. Reason; Widening the search for accident causes: a theoretical framework, Daniel E. Maurino, James Reason, Neil Johnston and Rob B. Lee; Converging themes: the deep structure of accidents, R. Key Dismukes, Benjamin A. Berman and Loukia D. Loukopoulos; Human error and commercial aviation accidents: an analysis using the human factors analysis and classification system, Scott Shappell, Cristy Detwiler, Kali Holcomb, Carla Hackworth, Albert Boquet and Douglas A. Wiegmann; Illusions of explanation: a critical essay on error classification, Sidney W.A. Dekker; The paradoxes of almost totally safe transport systems, R. Amalberti. Part II Specific Aspects of Skilled Human Performance: Human workload in aviation, Barry H. Kantowitz and Patricia A. Casper; Attentional models of multitask pilot performance using advanced display technology, Christopher D. Wickens, Juliana Goh, John Helleberg, William J. Horrey and Donald A. Talleur; Pilot interaction with cockpit automation II: an experimental study of pilots’ model and awareness of the flight management system, Nadine B. Sarter and David D. Woods; Pilots’ monitoring strategies and performance on automated flight decks: an empirical study combining behavioral and eye-tracking data, Nadine B. Sarter, Randall J. Mumaw and Christopher D. Wickens; Toward a theory of situation awareness in dynamic systems, Mica R. Endsley; Risk perception and risk management in aviation, Judith Orasanu, Ute Fischer and Jeannie Davison; The evolution of crew resource management, Robert L. Helmreich, Ashleigh C. Merritt and John A.Wilhelm; Crews as groups: their formation and their leadership, Robert C. Ginnett; Predictors of threat and error management: identification of core nontechnical skills and implications for training systems design, Matthew J.W. Thomas; The importance of crew resource management behaviors in mission performance: implications for training evaluation, Robert T. Nullmeyer and V. Alan Spiker. Part III Factors Affecting Skilled Performance: Fatigue in aviation, John A. Caldwell; Pilot performance and stress, Alan Stokes and Kirsten Kite; Assessing cognitive aging in piloting, Pamela S. Tsang; The role of situation assessment and flight experience in pilots’ decisions to continue visual flight rules flight into adverse weather, Douglas A. Wiegmann, Juliana Goh and David O’Hare; Organizational factors associated with safety and mission success in aviation environments, Ron Westrum and Anthony J. Adamski; The link between safety attitudes and observed performance in flight operations, J. Bryan Sexton and James R. Klinect. Part IV Beyond the Cockpit: A review of human error in aviation maintenance and inspection, Kara A. Latorella and Prasad V. Prabhu; Errors of memory in air traffic control, Steven T. Shorrock. Name index.
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