A Life Course Approach to Mental Disorders examines the causes and consequences of a wide-range of mental disorders throughout life, from the peri-natal period through old age.
Part One: Introduction; 1 Karestan C. Koenen, Sasha Rudenstine, Ezra Susser, and Sandro Galea: Life course approaches to mental illness: The emergence of a concept; Part Two: Methods in life course approaches; 2 Stephen L. Buka and Mary E. Lacy: Study designs; 3 Patricia Cohen: Measurement issues in limited or longitudinal epidemiological studies of origins and/or course of psychiatric disorders; 4 Leah Li: Analytic considerations in a life course perspective; 5 Kerry Keyes and Charley Liu: Age, birth cohort, and period effects in psychiatric disorders in the United States; Part Three: Life course approach to specific mental disorders; 6 Golam M. Khandaker, Mary Clarke, Mary Cannon and Peter B, Jones: Schizophrenia and related psychosis; 7 Leslie Hulvershorn and John Nurnberger: Bipolar disorder; 8 Sasha Rudenstine: Applying a life course perspective to depression; 9 Renee D. Goodwin, Katja Beesdo-Baum, Susanne Knappe and Dan J. Stein: Life course epidemiology of anxiety disorders; 10 Nicole R. Nugent, Ruth Brown, Kelcey Stratton and Ananda B. Amstadter: Epidemiology of posttraumatic stress disorder; 11 Jennifer Ahern and Hannah Leslie: Life course approach to substance use; 12 Michaeline Bresnahan, Traolach Brugha and Ezra Susser: The life course perspective: A framework for autism research; 13 Karen S. Mitchell and Cynthia M. Bulik: Life course epidemiology of eating disorders; 14 Larry Seidman and Jessica Agnew-Blais: ADHD over the life course; 15 Sara R. Jaffee and Candice L. Odgers: Conduct disorder across the life course; 16 Andrew E. Skodol: Borderline, schizotypal, avoidant, obsessive compulsive, and other personality disorders; Part Four: Understanding mechanisms; 17 Marcus Richards: Cognitive function over the life course; 18 Elise B. Robinson, Lauren M. McGrath and Susan L. Santangelo: Life course approaches to genetic epidemiology of mental illness; 19 Pam Factor-Litvak: Impact of early environmental exposures on mental disorders across the life course; 20 Stephen E. Gilman and Jessica Daniel: The role of the social environmental over the life course in the etiology of psychiatric disorders; 21 Arijit Nandi and Lauren Welsh: Social context and mental health over the life course; 22 Monica Uddin and Levent Sipahi: Epigenetic influences on mental illness over the life course; 23 Kate A. McLaughlin, Margaret A. Sheridan and Charles A. Nelson: Adverse childhood experiences and brain development: Neurological mechanisms linking the social environment to psychiatric disorders; 24 Kelly Skelton, Kerry Ressler, Elisabeth Binder and Bekh Bradley-Davino: Social-biological interplay over the life course; Part Five: New directions in the life course epidemiology of mental illness; 25 Virginia Warner and Myrna M. Weissman: Intergenerational transmission; 26 Laura D. Kubzansky and Ashley Winning: Mental disorders and the emergence of physical disorders; Part Six: Conclusions; 27 Demetris Pillas, Kiyuri Naicker, Ian Colman and Clyde Hertzman: Public health, policy, and practice: Implications of life course approaches to mental illness
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