Attosecond science is aimed at measuring the motion of electrons and the way that they interact with their environment in real time. In practice, this involves experiments that probe correlation between electron motions in real time, in systems that range from small atoms to plasmonic nanostructures; moreover, in molecules, the network will investigate ultra-fast electron transfer processes. This will allow us to better understand the behavior of matter on the nanoscale. The aim of the book is to provide fundamental knowledge in the fields of attosecond science and free electron lasers, based on the insight that the further development of both disciplines can benefit a lot from mutual exposure and interaction between the two communities. With respect on the interaction of high intensity lasers with matter, it covers ultrafast lasers, high-harmonic generation, attosecond pulse generation and characterization. Other chapters review strong-field physics, free electron lasers and experimental instrumentation. The book is aimed at graduate and postgraduate students and shall support the scientific training of early stage researchers in the emerging research field. It will allow young researchers to develop a wide range of scientific skills in order to accelerate the development of spectroscopic techniques and their implementation in scientific experiments. The book idea is based on a summer school organized by the ATTOFEL network. The acronym ATTOFEL stands for ’Ultrafast Dynamics using ATTOsecond and XUV Free Electron Laser Sources’. ATTOFEL is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) that is sponsored by the European Union within the 7th Framework Program.
Basic introduction to laser systems and ultrafast amplifiers. Uwe Morgner (Hannover University) Carrier envelope phase stabilization. Vincent Crozatier (Fastlite) Pulse characterization from IR to XUV. Adam Wyatt (Oxford University) Free electron lasers. Christian Bressler (European XFEL, Hamburg) High harmonic generation and attosecond pulse production. Anne L’Huillier (Lund University) High harmonic generation from surfaces. George Tsakiris (MPQ München) Tabletop X-ray sources. Philippe Zeitoun (LOA, Paris) Electron recollision and high harmonic spectroscopy. Olga Smirnova (Max Born Institute Berlin) Semiclassical methods of strong field interactions. Misha Ivanov (Imperial College, London) Time dependent Schrödinger equation. Armin Scrinzi (LMU Munich) Attosecond science with atoms. Giuseppe Sansone (CNR Milano) Attosecond science with molecules. Franck Lepine (Lyon University) Attosecond science with surfaces. Reinhard Kienberger (TU München) Plasmonics. Matthias Kling (MPQ München), Mark Stockman (Georgia State University) Auger processes. Vitaly Averbukh (Imperial College, London) Angular distributions in molecular photoionization. Robert Lucchese (Texas A&M University), Danielle Dowek (LCAM, Orsay) Coherent diffractive imaging. Willem Boutu (CEA, Saclay) Strong-field interactions at long wavelenghts. Louis F. DiMauro et al. Strong field interaction at XUV/x-ray wavelengths. Artem Rudenko (MPIK, Heidelberg) XFEL Experiments. Linda Young (Argonne National Laboratory)
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