¥ 1157
Nikolaev, Igor / 2017-11-07 / Walter de Gruyter
¥ 1223
Michael Baake / 2017-11-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 329
Grant Walker / 2017-11-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 329
Grant Walker / 2017-11-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 278
Wolfgang Metzler / 2017-11-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 705
Bo’az Klartag / 2017-10-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 979
Stanislaw J. Szarek; Guillaume Aubrun / 2017-10-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 129
Thomas ChristopherRich Barnett / 2017-10-26 
¥ 359
 / 2017-09-30 / International Press of Boston
¥ 359
 / 2017-09-30 / International Press of Boston
¥ 359
 / 2017-09-30 / International Press of Boston
¥ 158
Goulding Kathryn / 2017-09-15 / Kathryn L. Goulding
¥ 685
J. S. Milne / 2017-09-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 458
James Carlson / 2017-08-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 866
James Carlson / 2017-08-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 408
Philippe Gille / 2017-08-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 696
Philippe Gille / 2017-08-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 963
Richard Evan Schwartz / 2017-06-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 719
H. Hofer; K. Wysocki; E. Zehnder / 2017-06-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 963
Tushar Das; David Simmons; Mariusz Urbanski / 2017-06-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 576
Jensen / 2017-06-12 / Springer International Publishing
¥ 926
URAKAWA HAJIME / 2017-06-02 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 383
 / 2017-05-30 / International Press of Boston
¥ 1041
Alexandru Buium / 2017-05-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 1515
CHEN BANG-YEN / 2017-05-30 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 709
C. L. Fefferman; J. P. Lee-Thorp; M. I. Weinstein / 2017-05-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 557
 / 2017-05-30 / International Press of Boston
¥ 1179
Dariusz Jacek Jak骲czak / 2017-05-30 / IGI Publishing
¥ 187
HANG KIM HOO ET AL / 2017-05-22 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 403
HANG KIM HOO ET AL / 2017-05-22 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 651
UMEHARA MASAAKI & YAMADA KOTARO / 2017-05-15 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 391
UMEHARA MASAAKI & YAMADA KOTARO / 2017-05-15 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 386
FUJINO OSAMU / 2017-05-01 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 302
Hossein Movasati / 2017-04-30 / International Press of Boston
¥ 628
Shai M. J. Haran / 2017-04-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 1201
Carlen / 2017-04-21 / Springer New York
¥ 944
Kröncke Klaus / 2017-04-18 / *KNV
¥ 174
Eli Maor  / 2017-04-11 / Princeton University Press
¥ 295
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics / 2017-03-30 / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics(NCTM)
¥ 726
Jeanne N. Clelland / 2017-03-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 601
F. Dahmani; V. Guirardel; D. Osin / 2017-03-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 708
Steve Hofmann; Dorina Mitrea; Marius Mitrea; Andrew J. Morris / 2017-03-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 370
McDuff Dusa Salamon Dietmar / 2017-03-23 / Oxford University Press
¥ 678
McDuff Dusa Salamon Dietmar / 2017-03-23 / Oxford University Press
¥ 724
Luis Antonio Santaló, Heidelberg, Germany; Antonio M. Naveira, Universitat Valencia Facultad de Matemáticas, Burjassot, Valencia, Spain; Augustí Reventós, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Fac. Ciènci / 2017-03-23 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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