Fixing Business - Making Profitable Business Work for the Good of All



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Background: Never has Business been so under the cosh in the UK as it is now. From Banks to Energy Companies, from multi-nationals to entrepreneurs, every opinion poll has businessmen the product of 11 years of full time, free, compulsory education is lamentable. Half the sixteen year olds do not get Grade C or above in English or Maths GCSE! Business must also avoid Relative Decline. Doing well are you? What are the competition doing? Is your benchmarking accurate? What does success look like five something Business does. Social Inclusion is something Business IS! Engaging with education more deeply, more seamlessly at every level on a permanent basis. Investing in environmental issues - Having at least one eye ( profit is NOT a dirty word; it’s what you do with it & how you got there that matters. Conclusion: Society is at a crossroads. We want a "free" NHSbut no economy can sustain a model created for a different world, a different demographic, a different consumerism some 70 years ago, in today’s UK. So what do we do? How do we pay for it? We need more, & better, skilled people.How do we deliver them & into what type of environment? We must counter destructive ideology, whether religiously or politically based.A little girl born today has a 30% chance of celebrating her hundredth birthday! Who’s going to pay for the last thirty (yes, 30! Not 3 or 13!) years of her life with all the attendant healthcare that will go with that? All of this requires a vibrant & successful, profit-yielding, tax-delivering, job-creating Business Sector. But Society, from politicians to journalists, from academics to media, from ideologists to environmentalists, will never give Business the freedom to get on with the job it is there to do, if it doesn’t meet the rest of Society halfway.....unless it is socially inclusive in everything it does, unless it LIVES it every day in every way. And what’s more - from the smallest business to the largest multi-national - that variable upon which every facet of business success belongs.....PEOPLE........will ensure that wealth is created. From the workforce to the  investor, from the customer to the creditor, from the supply chain to the opinion-former....they are all, at the   end of the day, PEOPLE........& they are what social inclusion is all about.
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