Spring Persistence with Hibernate

用 Hibernate 的 Spring Persistence 框架 第2版


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Learn how to use the core Hibernate APIs and tools as part of the Spring Framework. This book illustrates how these two frameworks can be best utilized. Other persistence solutions available in Spring are also shown including the Java Persistence API (JPA). Spring Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition has been updated to cover Spring Framework version 4 and Hibernate version 5. After reading and using this book, you’ll have the fundamentals to apply these persistence solutions into your own mission-critical enterprise Java applications that you build using Spring. Persistence is an important set of techniques and technologies for accessing and using data, and ensuring that data is mobile regardless of specific applications and contexts. In Java development, persistence is a key factor in enterprise, e-commerce, and other transaction-oriented applications. Today, the agile and open source Spring Framework is the leading out-of-the-box, open source solution for enterprise Java developers; in it, you can find a number of Java persistence solutions.What You’ll LearnHow to use Spring Persistence, including using persistence tools in Spring as well as choosing the best Java persistence frameworks outside of SpringHow to work with Spring Framework features such as Inversion of Control (IoC), aspect-oriented programming (AOP), and moreHow to work with Spring JDBC, use declarative transactions with Spring, and reap the benefits of a lightweight persistence strategyHow to work with Hibernate and integrate it into your Spring-based enterprise Java applications for transactions, data processing, and moreHow to integrate JPA for creating a well-layered persistence tier in your enterprise Java applicationWho This Book Is ForThis book is ideal for developers interested in learning more about persistence framework options on the Java platform, as well as fundamental Spring concepts. Because the book covers several persistence frameworks, it is suitable for anyone interested in learning more about Spring or any of the frameworks covered. Lastly, this book covers advanced topics related to persistence architecture and design patterns, and is ideal for beginning developers looking to learn more in these areas.
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